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how to make box brownies chewy

If you’re a fan of chocolatey goodness, chances are you love a good brownie. But not all brownies are created equal – some are too dry, while others are too cakey. If you’re looking for the ultimate chewy and delicious brownie, you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll share our secrets to making irresistibly chewy box brownies that will leave you wanting more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right box brownie mix is crucial for achieving a chewy texture
  • Replacing oil with melted butter and adding an extra egg can help make your brownies chewier
  • Avoid overmixing the batter and use a metal or glass pan for best results
  • Reducing baking time slightly and allowing brownies to cool properly can help retain chewiness
  • Adding mix-ins like nuts or chocolate chips can add extra chewiness and flavor

Choosing the Right Box Brownie Mix

If you want to make chewy box brownies, the first step is to choose the right mix. Look for box brownie mixes that are marketed as “fudgy” or “chewy”. These mixes contain more fat and less flour, resulting in a denser texture.

Online reviews can also be a great resource for finding a mix that consistently produces chewy brownies. Look for reviews that specifically mention the texture of the brownies.

Keep in mind that not all box brownie mixes are created equal, and some may not produce the desired chewy texture even with the right adjustments. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect mix for your taste.

Adjusting the Ingredients

Achieving a chewy texture in box brownies can be attributed to the ingredients used. Replacing the oil called for in the recipe with an equal amount of melted butter can add richness and moisture, resulting in a chewier texture. Another way to achieve a fudgier consistency is to add an extra egg to the mix. The secrets to chewy box brownies lie in these simple ingredient adjustments.

However, it is essential to remember not to overdo it. Adding too much butter or extra eggs can lead to a dense and heavy brownie that may not be as enjoyable to eat. Use these adjustments in moderation to achieve the perfect balance of chewiness and fudginess.

how to make box brownies chewy

Mixing the Batter

When making box brownies chewier, it’s important to pay attention to how you mix the batter. Overmixing can lead to a denser texture that might not be as chewy. To avoid this, gently stir the ingredients until they are just combined, leaving a few lumps in the batter.

If you’re using a box brownie mix that comes with a separate packet of chocolate chips or nuts, add these ingredients after mixing the batter. This will help ensure that the mix-ins are evenly distributed throughout the batter for a uniform chewy texture.

If you’re looking for an easy chewy box brownies recipe, consider using a fudgy or chewy box mix and following the ingredient adjustments mentioned in section three. By mixing the batter gently and adding mix-ins, you can create the perfect chewy treat in no time.

Using the Right Baking Pan

Choosing the right baking pan is crucial to achieving a chewy texture in your box brownies. For optimal results, opt for a metal or glass pan instead of a non-stick pan. A metal or glass pan conducts heat better, resulting in a chewier texture. Be sure to butter or grease the pan before adding the brownie batter to prevent sticking.

In addition to using the right pan material, the size of the pan also plays a role in the texture of your brownies. Using a smaller pan size can contribute to chewier brownies since the batter will be thicker and take longer to bake through.

Keep in mind that a darker pan will also result in chewier brownies since it absorbs more heat. However, be cautious not to overbake your brownies, as this can result in a dry texture.

Expert Tips for Chewy Box Brownies:

  1. Use room temperature eggs to ensure they mix evenly with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Sift the dry ingredients to ensure a smooth batter, free of lumps.
  3. Avoid using a mixer to combine the ingredients to prevent overmixing, which can lead to a denser texture.

By using the right baking pan and following these expert tips, you can create a chewy box brownies recipe that is sure to impress your taste buds.

Adjusting Baking Time and Temperature

Timing is key when it comes to achieving the perfect chewy brownie texture. To make sure your brownies are not overcooked and dry, reduce the baking time slightly. About 5-10 minutes before the recommended baking time is up, check the brownies. The center should be slightly undercooked and still slightly jiggly. Remember that brownies continue to cook and firm up as they cool.

It’s also important to adjust the baking temperature. A lower temperature, around 325-350°F, will help prevent the brownies from drying out and becoming cake-like. However, this will increase the baking time, so keep an eye on the brownies to ensure they are not overdone.

Tip: For even better results, use an oven thermometer to make sure your oven temperature is accurate. This will help you avoid over or under-baking your brownies.

Allowing Brownies to Cool Properly

One of the secrets to achieving a chewy texture in box brownies is allowing them to cool properly. After removing the brownies from the oven, resist the temptation to cut into them right away. Let them cool completely in the baking pan before serving.

During the cooling process, the brownies will continue to cook and firm up, which will help them retain their chewiness. Cutting into the brownies too soon can result in a gooey mess and a texture that is too soft.

For the best results, allow the brownies to cool for at least 30 minutes before serving. If you can resist, waiting up to an hour will produce an even chewier texture.

By following this tip, you’ll be able to enjoy the perfect balance of chewiness and fudginess in every bite of your box brownies.

Storing Brownies for Chewiness:

If you want to maintain the chewy texture of your box brownies, it’s important to store them properly. When they’re completely cool, transfer the brownies to an airtight container and keep them at room temperature. Avoid refrigeration, as it can lead to dryness and may affect the chewy texture.

For a warm and gooey treat, try microwaving individual brownie servings for a few seconds before enjoying. This will help restore the chewy texture and make them taste freshly baked once again.

To summarize, achieving the perfect chewy texture in box brownies requires following a few simple baking tips. Be sure to choose the right mix, adjust the ingredients, mix the batter properly, use the right baking pan, adjust the baking time and temperature, and allow the brownies to cool completely before storing them. By following these helpful tips, you can create irresistibly chewy and delicious box brownies every time!

Adding Mix-Ins for Extra Chewiness

If you want to take your box brownies to the next level of chewiness, consider adding mix-ins to the batter. Chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or even caramel swirls can add both texture and flavor to your brownies. Be gentle when folding in the mix-ins to avoid overmixing, which can result in a denser texture.

Experiment with different combinations of mix-ins to discover your favorite variation of the chewy box brownies recipe. Not only will they add extra chewiness, but they’ll also add a touch of personalization to your baked creations.

how to make box brownies chewyExpert Tips for Chewy Box Brownies

If you want to achieve the ultimate chewy box brownies, here are a few expert tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use room temperature eggs: Cold eggs can affect the batter’s consistency and lead to uneven baking. Let your eggs sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes before using them in your brownie recipe.
  2. Sift the dry ingredients: Sifting the flour and cocoa powder ensures a smooth batter, avoiding lumps and achieving a consistent texture.
  3. Avoid using a mixer: Overmixing can result in a denser texture that is not as chewy. Use a spatula or wooden spoon to gently mix the ingredients until just combined.

Remember, attention to detail is crucial when making chewy box brownies. By following these simple expert tips, you’ll be on your way to making the most deliciously chewy brownies imaginable!


There you have it, your ultimate guide for making irresistibly chewy box brownies. Remember to choose the right box brownie mix, adjust the ingredients, mix the batter just enough, use the right baking pan, adjust the baking time and temperature, allow the brownies to cool properly, store them correctly, add mix-ins, and follow expert tips for the ultimate chewiness.

Experiment and Enjoy

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different variations and flavors to find your perfect chewy box brownie recipe. With these expert tips and tricks, you can enjoy the satisfaction of sinking your teeth into a perfectly chewy brownie every time you bake.

Now that you know how to make box brownies chewy and delicious, it’s time to get baking!


How do I make box brownies chewy?

To make box brownies chewy, you can replace the oil called for in the recipe with melted butter and add an extra egg to the mix. This will add richness and moisture, resulting in a chewier texture.

How do I choose the right box brownie mix for chewy brownies?

Look for keywords like “chewy” or “fudgy” on the packaging of box brownie mixes. Additionally, read online reviews to find recommendations for brands that consistently deliver moist and chewy brownies.

What should I avoid when mixing the brownie batter?

Avoid overmixing the brownie batter. Stir the ingredients until they are just combined to avoid a denser texture that may not be as chewy. A few lumps in the batter are perfectly fine.

Which type of baking pan should I use for chewy brownies?

Opt for a metal or glass pan instead of a non-stick pan. Metal and glass pans conduct heat better, resulting in a chewier texture. Using a smaller pan size can also contribute to chewier brownies.

How should I adjust the baking time and temperature for chewy brownies?

To achieve chewy brownies, reduce the baking time slightly. Check the brownies a few minutes before the recommended baking time is up. The center should be slightly undercooked and still slightly jiggly.

Should I refrigerate chewy brownies?

No, refrigerating brownies can dry them out. To maintain the chewy texture, store them in an airtight container at room temperature. If you prefer a warm and gooey treat, microwave individual brownie servings for a few seconds before enjoying.

Can I add mix-ins to make brownies chewier?

Yes, adding mix-ins like chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or caramel swirls can add both texture and flavor to your brownies. Fold them into the batter gently before baking.

What are some expert tips for chewy box brownies?

Use room temperature eggs, sift the dry ingredients to ensure a smooth batter, and avoid using a mixer to combine the ingredients. These small details can make a big difference in the final texture of your brownies.

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